In today's world of politics, Business; Health and military crises take many forms; UN Special Rapporteur on the Prevention of Sexual Violence during the conflict, Pramilla Patten, said on April 25 at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., that sexual violence against women and girls is on the rise as the rule of law declines. She was speaking at a conference hosted by the Institute for Security and Women. 

    In the past year, UN special envoy Pramilla Patten says sexual violence has escalated in Mali and Burma following military coups. "In Burma, since the military coup in February last year, women protesters, "Sexual violence against political prisoners and human rights activists has been reported."An important measure to prevent such sexual violence is to target the perpetrators and impose sanctions. "Currently, there are 14 governments and organizations that have been targeted by the United Nations for sexual violence, and eight of them have been prosecuted during the conflict. 

    Our latest report to the UN Secretary-General lists 49 governments and organizations suspected of being responsible for sexual violence. Seventy percent of them have been on the list for five years in a row because they have never been prosecuted for their crimes.This shows that there is an urgent need to balance the list of perpetrators of sexual violence and the imposition of sanctions by the sanctions committee." Ma Wai Wai Nu, a Rohingya woman founder of the Women's Peace Network, said organizations that could prove sexual violence were continuing to use violence against women detained in Burma. 

    The use of sexual violence in operations is a hallmark of the Burmese military. Only by punishing the Burmese army can the crimes be stopped. Robert Nagel says. After the military coup in Burma in 2021, crimes, including sexual violence, were committed as a result of the international community's failure to effectively prosecute the 2017 genocide of the Rohingya. LGBT people have also experienced the same thing. Dr. Robert Najal, PhD researcher at the Institute for Security and Women, said: To expand international sanctions on the Burmese military; MOGE, the main source of revenue for the Burmese military, should be included in the sanctions. UN Security Council resolution to prosecute He called on the world community to work for universal jurisdiction.