Thirty political women and 100 men are being held in Insein Prison. A total of 130 people were transferred to prisons yesterday, April 24, according to the Yangon University Students' Union. Aung Kaung Set, president of the Rangoon University Students' Union, told RFA that the number had been confirmed by family members. "The list of 130 political prisoners is based on information from family members. This transfer means that student leaders and political prisoners have been dispersed to prevent them from engaging in politics inside the prison." 

    Among them are members of the student union, Ko Sit Naing; Aung Phone Maw Htoo Aung Wai was arrested in Dik Oo Prison. Ko Aye Aung and Ko Le Pyae Soe Moe were imprisoned in Thayawaddy Prison. Nyein Chan and Thuta Soe were taken to Kyaikmaraw Prison along with some other political prisoners. 

    A family member of Ko Sit Naing said prison authorities had not notified family members of the move. "I went yesterday to see the news that he was going to be transferred to another prison. I found the name of Ko Sit Naing in the list of those who were transferred to another prison. It has become very difficult to get a prison permit. He added that the transfer of some political prisoners from Insein Prison by the prison authorities was intended to weaken the prison.

    RFA repeatedly tried to contact the Department of Prisons by telephone this evening about the transfer of political prisoners, but to no avail. 

    The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) said on April 22 that the number of detainees in various prisons nationwide after the military coup had risen to 13,334.