A column of junta forces carried out the attack, which has been terrorizing local people since late last month. According to accounts, residents of a village in southern Sagaing Region's Myinmu Township were tortured after junta forces raided the town hunting for the leader of a local resistance cell.

        According to a villager, a military column of roughly 50 troops came in the hamlet of Nyaung Yin early Wednesday morning and began seeking for the residence of Sa Lone, a commander of a People's Defence Force (PDF) group operating in the region.

        "Around 5:30 a.m., they entered the village from two directions and proceeded seeking for the house of the individual they were looking for. They then collected up approximately 15 guys and sent them to the Shwebonthar monastery, where they were tortured," a 45-year-old man who did not want to be identified stated.

        The majority of the village's population, according to the guy, escaped to an island on the Ayeyarwady River. Soldiers chased them down and fired multiple bullets before returning to the settlement to continue their search, he said. Nyaung Yin, near the junction of the Muu and Ayeyarwady rivers, with a population of around 3,000 people.

        The raiding column has also been accused of carrying out arson assaults, including one on April 29 that burned the village of Kantaw, as well as the deaths of eight PDF fighters on Tuesday. "The column has been in the region since Kantaw was set on fire. "They are stationed near the pagoda in Alakapa and have launched attacks on Myaung," a local PDF battalion commander claimed.

        According to PDF fighters, they battled the column as it reached Nyaung Yin, but were forced to retire owing to the junta forces' overwhelming firepower.