The National Unity Government (NUG) announced on April 24 that the General Administration Department, which took part in the anti-terrorism CDM movement, did not want to serve under the military council and formed the Department of Public Administration with CDM staff. A statement from the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration said in a statement that the council intends to replace the junta with a vacancy in the NUG-controlled areas. NUG's Defense Minister Ye Mon said in an interview with RFA on April 18 that more than 50 percent of the country is no longer under the rule of the military council.    

     NUG Interim President Duwal Sheila, who gave a state-of-the-nation address on April 16, added that liberated areas could soon be created. "The NUG-led People's Defense Forces and allied ethnic armed forces have been active in many parts of the country," he said. It has taken control, especially in rural areas. Some cities are already under siege. Many areas will soon be created as liberated areas.The NUG government is launching an interim administration and transitional judiciary in its liberated areas with the help of local people and allies. ” Areas believed to have been ruled by NUG have not been disclosed, but 29 out of 37 townships in Sagaing Division; According to the NUG's Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, interim public administration bodies have been formed in 36 out of 25 townships in Magway Division. "Education will only be possible if NUG wins 100 percent," he said. Health If the rule of law is upheld, it will be too late. We will fight a war. We will also do construction. Doing both at the same time. People's defense groups are also doing their job. 

    The SPDC and the SPDC are also involved in regional development.We are building a great organization. "Fighting with guns is not the only way to protect the people." U Tun Tun Win, Patron of Kanni Township People's Administration, Sagaing Division, said. There are three wards in Kany Township. Out of 193 villages, except for three wards and one village, Yele Kyun, public administration bodies have been formed. The DPP has set up a judiciary and a legal committee, which includes members of the legal community, as well as temporary detention. Education is being provided in Kany Township under the NUG program, and on April 11, an education festival led by the education committee under the township public administration was held. In Yinmarpin Township, some education and administrative sectors are still functioning, but the judiciary and the People's Police have yet to be established, said Ko Yan, a spokesman for the North Yama People's Defense Force. "What we have not been able to do is the judiciary, Police Force Regional development. With the exception of justice and regional development, the people's police force is expected to be formed soon. " Sagaing Division is under heavy attack by the military council and there are hundreds of thousands of refugees. 

    In Saw Township in Magway Division, people's administrations have been formed in 82 out of 117 villages. About two weeks after the military coup, people's administrations were formed in many townships but failed to function. Now, in some places in Sagaing and Magway, the administrative machinery is working.