Hello there. Welcome back. Hope you all are doing great. Have you ever felt uncomfortable and painful because of hiccups? I would like to share the cause and treatments for hiccups this time.

What are hiccups?

Hiccups are repeated and uncontrollable spasms of your diaphragm paired with a ‘hic’ sound from your vocal cords closing.

When do hiccups happen to us?

Hiccups can happen to adults, children and babies. It happens when 

  • Eat and drink too quickly.
  • Drink carbonated beverages or alcohol
  • Eat too much.
  • Experience stress– including fear and excitement.
  • Over-stretch your neck.
  • Take drugs (particularly those for anxiety – benzodiazepines).
  • Drink a very hot or very cold drink.
  • Go through chemotherapy.
  • Are anesthetized for a procedure.
  • Inhale toxic fumes.

How to stop hiccups? 

  • breathe into a paper bag (do not put it over your head)
  • pull your knees up to your chest and lean forward
  • sip ice-cold water
  • swallow some granulated sugar
  • bite on a lemon or taste vinegar
  • hold your breath for a short time

Hope this helps you and have a great time.