Hello there. Welcome back. Hope you all are doing great. By the way, which part of your body is your

favorite one? For me, eyelashes. They highlight the aspects of the eyes and make individuals appear more

attractive. So, I would like to share how to make the eyelashes longer this time.

  • Use Castor Oil which is well-known for hair growth.
  • Use Olive Oil as it can lengthen and strengthen the eyelashes.
  • Try An Eyelash Enhancing Serum that can boost the length of your lashes. While the market is flooded with a lot of different varieties (and not all of them great), you'll want to be mindful of the ingredient list in order to find the best eyelashes serum.
  • Apply Vitamin E Oil which has long been used to promote stronger and more moisturized eyelashes. 
  • Comb Your Eyelashes although it may sound basic. Brushing out your eyelashes is a great way to make them appear longer and to promote growth.
  • Moisturize With Coconut Oil. Not only is virgin coconut oil safe for cosmetic use around your eyes but it's also a great moisturizer and strengthener for your eyelashes. 

 Hope this helps you and have a great time. Take care and stay safe.