Hello there. Welcome back. Hope you all are doing great. It is getting hot and don’t forget to stay hydrated. By the way, have you been drinking water correctly? It can even threaten our lives if we do not drink correctly. So, let me share how to drink water correctly.

  • It’s better to drink water while sitting because the blood flow is high towards our hand and legs, which can prove a hindrance for the water to reach the digestive system properly when we are standing or walking.

  • Check the color of your pee. If it’s clear, it means you are hydrated enough. If you see a light lemonade shade, you’ve reached optimal hydration status. If it’s darker yellow, it’s time to get sipping.

  • Drink water before having a meal. It helps for weight loss.

  • When you’re doing a super-intense workout for a long period of time, you can sweat a lot which shows that you are losing electrolytes such as potassium and sodium. If you’re seriously sweating it out, you’ll need to replace those nutrients with a sugary sport drink or coconut water as you can’t find those in plain water.

Hope this helps you and have a great time. Take care and stay safe.