In Sagaing Division, on April 23, 65 houses were destroyed in Ywar Thar Village, Khin Oo Township. There are 70 houses in Inma Village, Chaung-U Township, more than 40 miles south of the village. 

    A total of 135 houses were set on fire, locals told RFA. A local woman from Ywar Thar village in Khin Oo Township said that all the villagers had to flee when the military council opened fire on them that morning. "Almost the whole village is fleeing. Now they do not dare to go back. They are still in the forest. Now I think the army has not returned.In Ywar Tha village, which has more than 500 houses, about 65 houses were set on fire by military council troops and two locals were killed, villagers said. 

    On the morning of April 23, The Chaung-U Township People's Defense Force (CHU PDF) clashed on April 24 after a joint team of Pyu Saw Htee troops entered Inma Village, Chaung-U PDF reported yesterday. 

    A statement said that 70 houses were set on fire and one resident was killed after the evacuation due to imbalance.RFA has not been able to confirm the incidents or the military council. General Zaw Min Tun, a spokesman for the military council, responded that they were avoiding entering villages and were accusing them of setting houses on fire. Today, April 25, in Minkin Township.

     A resident of Thanpauk village said that houses were set on fire after the junta entered the village and that the council troops were still in the village until 4:30 this evening.