Hello there. Welcome back. Hope you are doing great. Dry and pale lips are bothersome, aren't they? The best solution to them is to stay hydrated and care for lips. So, in caring for the lips, exfoliation and moisturization play important roles. To exfoliate the lips, lip scrub can be used as it removes dry skin and leaves lips soft and smooth. It also reduces the frequency of soreness and evens out lip tone to minimize the appearance of discoloration. Here is how to make lip scrub.

To make a lip scrub, we need simple ingredients: sugar and honey. It is pretty easy to make.

  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 2 teaspoon sugar
  • Simply mix the ingredients in a 2:1 sugar-honey mixture. This part is a bit messy and more than a little sticky. Be prepared to get your hands a little dirty. 
  • Once combined, simply put a bit on your finger and gently rub your lips to exfoliate. 
  • Leave it on for 10 minutes to allow the honey to nourish your lips.
  • Remove with a warm washcloth. It's also edible and safe.
Hope this helps you and have a great time.