Karen National Union (KNU) Toungoo District; The Karen National Defense Organization (KNDO) headquarters in Brigade 2 and KNU Brigade 1 in Thaton District has issued notices to withdraw its military council camps in their area. 

    The KNDO Battalion 4 issued a letter on April 25 urging them to withdraw to the Kyi Chaung and 48 Mile Koday military bases in Brigade 2 area within 15 days. They would take military action against the Lay Kay and Wintarpan camps in Brigade 1, but did not withdraw by April 23. Saw Khan Myint, a spokesman for Battalion 2 headquarters, said,“These are the existing military bases in our area. Because they live there, it does not benefit the locals. Travel It's just the beginning. When all else fails, things get trickier. It is the beginning of the livelihood of the local people.It is not easy for them to go to the fields. 

    Nothing is easy. Obstacles "When there are blockades, we listen to the voice of the local people and accept that it is no longer possible." Saw Khan Myint said the KNU's intention was to leave the area as it was determined that there should be no more military council camps in KNU-controlled areas. The KNU has also opened a withdrawal route for the withdrawal of camps in the KNU Brigade 1 area, but fighting is continuing and the army is firing heavy artillery. Military councils have carried out arrests, killings, and torture of ethnic people throughout the country. 

    The KNU says it is no longer allowed to live in areas under its control because of inhumane acts.Pado Man Man, a spokesman for the KNU's 5th Brigade, said the government was warning people to leave the military council camps as the Kawthoolei administration began to take control of KNU-controlled areas. "It's not just about the military," he said. Administration; Political reconstruction should be as minimal as possible. With the military in place, the downfall is already on both sides. To withdraw as little as possible in advance. It can also be said that it gave a vote.We are the first to do that. "Therefore, military plans will have to be made later." Pado Mann Mann said that almost all departmental staff in the 5th Brigade area in Hpapun District have left. Two-thirds of Hpapun residents have fled the town and the KNU has provided much-needed assistance to those who have entered the area, according to the military council. 

    After the KNU declared that it did not accept the military coup after the military coup, Brigade 1 in Thaton District. Brigade 2, Toungoo District; Brigade 3, Nyaung Lay Pin District; Brigade 4, Dawei District; Brigade 5, Papun District; Brigade 6, Dooplaya District; Fighting broke out between the KNU and the military council in Brigade 7, Hpa-an District