KNDO / KNLA forces under the Karen National Union (KNU) in Bilin Township, Mon State; The KNU said in a statement on April 25 that about 7,000 people have fled the fighting between the BGF and the BGF. 

    The military council and the BGF join forces. Heavy artillery and mortar shells were fired into the villages inhabited by the locals. They were firing small arms. Win Ta Pan from KNU-controlled area in Bilin Township; Residents from nine villages, including Myitkyo, are fleeing, the statement said. 

    On April 23, a 14-year-old girl and a 66-year-old woman from Daw Zang Gyi village were hit by artillery shells and their homes were destroyed. On April 24, the KNU said that 60 mm artillery shells were fired from the BGF joint camp in Lay Kay village. 

     Local refugees are also in need of food and medicine. Locals are also worried that the military council will launch airstrikes. RFA tried to contact the military council about the fighting in KNU-controlled areas, but to no avail. 

    Both KNDO battalions have announced that the BGF and BGF joint bases will leave Belin on April 23.However, he did not leave until the deadline, and fighting intensified.