The Kyaukse District Defense Force (K.D.D.F) said that a hand grenade was hurled at some military council soldiers guarding his home in Kyaukse, Mandalay Division, the hometown of former Senior General Than Shwe, this morning (April 22). 

    A K.D.D.F member said that three military council soldiers guarding the front yard of Than Shwe's house in Kyaukse's Su Kone ward were targeted at about 11:30 this morning. "It is unknown at this time what caused the damage. 

    Roads are being closed and inspections are being carried out. The gates at the entrances and exits of the city are being inspected. 

    Motorcycles are being pushed down." RFA has not confirmed the incident and the military council has not issued a statement. 

     On April 19, the Kyaukse District Defense Force and other local coalition forces also bombed Thanywa police station in Kyaukse Township. Than Shwe has been living in Naypyidaw, not in his hometown of Kyaukse, since retiring from the military.