A total of 558 organizations working to restore democracy in Burma have sent a letter to the Chinese president on April 25 stating that Chinese state-owned enterprises and investment could suffer if the Chinese government and business community continue to formally recognize and continue to support the coup d'état, which is killing the people of Burma. 

    "We want to see Sino-Burmese friendship strengthened, so stop the start of business with the military council and start upgrading talks between the NUG government and the Chinese government," he said. Establish relations with other party organizations that oppose the military council. ” The letter said: Does the Chinese government often refer to the Burmese people as relatives? Ko Ye, a member of the Leading Movement for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination, told RFA that the question was whether it meant the military council. 

    "If the people of Burma are seen as relatives, they need to support the people of Burma who are fighting for democracy, human rights and justice," he said. We need to stand with the people of Burma. Judging by the actions of the Chinese government, the military seems to be considered a relative. If the Chinese government continues to treat the military as a relative, the people of Burma will see the Chinese government as an enemy and fear irreparable hatred. I want to warn Even if we do not stand up for our people to change their position, it is still politically and politically supporting the military. We need to stop providing diplomatic and military assistance. I want to make it clear that the ceasefire should be made public. ”

     Ma Thein Zar Shun Le Yee, a member of the Democracy Development Movement Committee involved in the movement, also criticized the Chinese government's misconceptions about Burma. "These revolutionaries are the majority of the country," he said. This is not the first time that we have supported the minority military beyond this population. It has been there before. 

    During the current revolution, the only things that are openly legalized are businesses. "The Chinese government needs to fully recognize the message that all our people are united in their opposition to all of this, regardless of the peace process." The letter was sent to the Chinese president by more than 550 organizations through the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other agencies, including the Chinese embassy in Rangoon.

    Than Soe Naing, a Burmese political analyst, said the letter reflected the wishes of the Burmese people as a whole. "Today is a time when we are fighting against the initial violence," he said. The momentum has improved a lot and it will play a decisive role. 

    In such a situation, China needs to recognize and provide economic assistance to the military council. Recognizing the military council as the government; The movement has had a devastating effect on the long-standing friendship between the two countries. 

    "I would like to emphasize that this letter should be considered as a warning to the people, as further strengthening of the role of the military council will not only jeopardize the two countries' joint economic activities in the future, but also some of the ongoing damage to China's ongoing investment in Burma." 

     A letter from civil society groups to the Chinese president recently said that the Burmese people were outraged by China's recent invitation to the junta's foreign minister, Wunna Maung Lwin, and that the Chinese government should suspend its aid to the military council and support that ethnic armed group in northern Burma, which is currently involved in the revolution. RFA has not yet received a response from the Chinese government or military council regarding the letter.