Hello there. Welcome back again. Hope you are doing fine. By the way, have you ever felt  gas pains in your stomach? Today, I would like to share some tips to release gas through burping or farting. What is gas in our stomach? Gas is formed by the air we swallowed while eating or drinking.
Good gut health and a thriving colony of bacteria produce more gas as they digest food. But when the gas is trapped, we are likely to suffer from stomach pain. That’s why we shouldn’t feel ashamed for burping or farting. If you ever feel like your gas is trapped inside, try these following ways.

  • Drink some non-carbonated drinks.
  • Walk around for a while
  • Try massaging on the painful spot mildly or on the back
  • Do some yoga poses to relax the body and to release gas.
  • Consume some apple cider vinegar.

Here is some helpful yoga positions that would help you to release gas.

Hope this helps you and have a great time. Stay safe.