Moebye on the Shan-Kayah border; Loikaw, Karenni Region Fighting between the Burmese Army and local security forces has been going on since April 3 at around 3 am, according to local residents. 

    Fighting is raging in Moebye Township and near Daw Oo Khu, and locals are preparing to flee the area, according to locals. However, locals said that some people were trapped in Loikaw and Dimaso areas due to the heavy artillery shelling. 

    A child was hit by artillery shells during a battle between artillery and artillery shells on the Moebre side, and two children were injured in a landmine explosion on the Loikaw-Dawku side, according to the BBC. 

    Fighting in the Karenni region since the coup has forced more than 200,000 people to flee. Fighting continued until April 20. 

    Heavy artillery fire; As many as 967 homes were destroyed in the blaze, the Progressive Karenni People's Movement said today.