A nearby resident was shot dead by police, police said Dark Shadow, an urban guerrilla group, released a video of the bombing of a police station in Kamaryut Township early this morning, April 21.    

    "At around 4 am, three grenades and six remote-controlled grenades were detonated at the police station. 

    A hand grenade landed in their tent, and another landed inside the building. 

    The fire was extinguished after a hand grenade was fired. 

    "As I was leaving the camp, I was hit by an uncle who was selling vegetables," a member of the urban guerrilla group told the BBC. 

    The BBC has not been able to confirm the death toll and is trying to contact the military council. 

    The Kamaryut Township Police Station said the attack was targeted by the Kamaryut Township Police Station for arbitrarily arresting civilians and beating and arresting urban guerrillas. 

    Civilian guerrillas and local defense forces have been attacking police stations since the military coup in the country. The military council has also issued occasional reports of attacks on police stations.