The Karenni People's Progressive Front (PKPF) said on April 24 that the death toll in Burma's post-coup situation in Kayah (Karenni) State has risen to 257. 

    An official from the Progressive Karenni People's Front (PKPF) said the civilians were killed by the military council. "As the fighting intensified, we could say that the military council lost the election and that civilians were being shot for no reason, that there were shootings, handcuffs, and heavy artillery fire," he said. 

    The highest number of casualties was in Dimso Township. Loikaw Township Phruso Township He said he was from Phekone and Bawlakhe townships. 

    The civilian casualties include two people killed during the strike; 24 killed in refugee camps At least 231 people have been killed in clashes between government forces and gunmen. A total of 257 people were killed. 

    Of those, at least 19 were under the age of 18. He said most of the refugees who died in the camps were due to lack of medicine and food. 

    General Zaw Min Tun, a spokesman for the military council, responded that civilians were not among the dead in Kayah State. Kayah State has been the scene of heavy fighting since the military coup, with nearly 200,000 displaced people, according to the Karenni Social Network.