5 Aloe Vera Facial Cleansing Tips

 (1) To make the skin glow
            Here are the things to look for when selecting yours
       (a) Aloe vera jelly
       (b) Coconut oil
       (c) Honey
            Mix the ingredients and apply on face. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse.

(2) To relieve blackheads
        Here are some things to look for when selecting yours:
    (a) Aloe vera jelly
    (b) Turmeric powder
    (c) Yogurt
    (d) Lemon juice
        Mix the ingredients and apply on face. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse.

(3) For dry skin         Ingredients for Dry Skin:     (a) Aloe vera jelly     (b) Honey     (c) Olive oil         Mix the ingredients and apply on face for 15 minutes.

(4) Sensitive skin         Required items are:     (a) Aloe vera jelly     (b) Honey     (c) A banana         Squeeze the bananas until smooth. Then add aloe vera jelly and honey and apply on face.


(5) For oily skin
        Required items are:     (a) Aloe vera jelly     (b) Lemon juice     (c) Yogurt         Mix the ingredients and apply on face. Then leave for 10 minutes.

Credit: Aunty May