Eye rest exercises that should be done daily.

1. Blink for two minutes. It is good for blood circulation around the eyes.

2. The window pane should be positioned 5 times, so you should change the distant objects a little bit 5 times. Do this twice.

3. Close your eyes and rinse twice a day. In the morning, freshen your face with warm water and refresh with cold water. At night, rinse with cold water and then warm water. It refreshes tired eyes.

4. Eyes from left to right. Do this 6 times from right to left.

5. Close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds and open them. Do it 10 times.

6. Stretch out your hand and try to nail it to your thumb. Move your hand about a foot away from your face, and your eyes follow your fingernails. Do it 10 times.

7. Rotate the eye 4 times in a clockwise direction. Turn in the opposite direction 4 more times.

8. Close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds, then open them and open them as wide as you can. Do it 10 times.

9. Close your eyes slightly and relax. Rub both hands warmly and cover the eyes for a few minutes.

Close your eyes and massage the inner corner with your fingertips for a few minutes.