On Wednesday, regime soldiers destroyed more than 20 homes in Khin-U Township, Sagaing Region, while a 65-year-old civilian was injured by junta artillery. In the township of Kar Sein, roughly 60 regime forces set fire to four houses.

        Resistance fighters attacked the army with explosives near Yar Daw village. According to a resistance fighter, he is unaware of any junta casualties. The leader of the Khin-U Guerilla Force reported that junta artillery injured a 65-year-old civilian.

        According to the resistance, three people were detained and tortured on the route, with two of them in critical condition. After that, troops invaded Ma Kyee Oak community, burning 13 homes and damaging seven more.

        Myanmar's most active opposition organizations are based in Sagaing Region, and junta soldiers have increasingly carried out indiscriminate attacks on civilians, including air and artillery strikes, arbitrary murders, looting, and home burning. On May 2, regime soldiers set fire to almost 300 homes in Inpat village, Khin-U Township, killing a 40-year-old man.

        Resistance members claimed that they used to be able to stop government raids, but that they now lack the weapons to repel forces that attack the township every day. According to independent research organization Data for Myanmar, Khin-U had the largest number of houses torched by the regime in Sagaing Region in April, with around 529 demolished and 972 burned in total since the 2021 coup.

        In April, the organization calculated that the dictatorship in Myanmar had set fire to over 11,417 homes, with Sagaing Region suffering the most damage, destroying 7,503 homes.