Sagaing Division In Sagaing Township, tens of thousands of people from at least 15 villages in the township have been forced to flee their homes due to incursions and fire by the Terrorist Military Council, and locals say they need help. 

    Thar Si Lay, Pagoda Hla, North Salt Mountain Division, Sagaing. Nyaung Pin Shay villages have been on fire since the second week of April with heavy artillery fire by the junta. 

    In Tha Si Lay and Nyaung Pin Shay villages, clashes broke out between the military council and local defense forces, resulting in casualties on both sides. 

    These villages were set on fire and some local people were killed and injured in the surrounding villages. 

    People from Taungmyo, Insa, Taungkyar, Depayin Kwe, Mankyigone and San Thit villages have been evacuated to safer places, according to the Sagaing Township News Agency. 

    "All the people in the villages are fleeing. There are many people who have to cross the river to get drunk. They need clothes and medicine. 

    Most of the children and the elderly need salt and clean water. 

    We have arranged as much as we can for accommodation. "However, many people could not provide shelter and had to be housed in forests and gardens. 

    Tens of thousands of people, some of whom have fled to other parts of the country, have fled to other townships. The Burmese army fired at them from the refugee camps, and all of them died, ”an aid worker from Myingyu Township told the Sagaing District Medical Team. 

     The Terrorist Military Council (RCAF) also attacked villages along the Irrawaddy River yesterday (April 24) in Wetlet Township, which borders Sagaing Township. 


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