The maiden launch of Russia's new Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile was reported by the Russian Defense Ministry. This weapon, according to President Vladimir Putin, is unique and will make those who threaten Russia "think twice."

        The missile was launched from the Plesetsk launch site in northern Russia on Wednesday, and its practice warheads hit selected targets at the Kura firing range on the far eastern Kamchatka Peninsula, according to the ministry.

        The Sarmat is a heavy missile designed to replace the Soviet-built Voyevoda missile, which the West code-named Satan. It is capable of breaching any potential missile defense, according to Putin and his officials.

        For Russia's defense sector, Putin described it as "a big, significant event." The Sarmat, he continued, would protect Russia's security from foreign threats and make those who want to attack our nation in the midst of frenetic, violent rhetoric think twice."

Russia's nuclear deterrence is centered on land-based ICBMs, and the Sarmat will be used for decades to come.

        Although the United States possesses its own ICBMs, it postponed and ultimately cancelled a nuclear-capable intercontinental missile test to avoid raising tensions with Russia.