Hello there. Welcome back. In recent decades, many unpredictable and sudden events have happened a lot including covid-19 outbreak and climate changes. Although they are not a big deal for a healthy person, they can be a life-threatening problem for those who have chronic disease or the children. In dealing with those events, we always need to be alert and well-prepared. Therefore, I would like to share some must-have items for emergencies this time. 

  • Extra medicines (for those who have chronic disease)

  • First-aid kit

  • Band-aids

  • Masks

  • Matches

  • Emergency Candles (for power outage)

  • Flashlight

  • Canned Food

  • Bottled Water

  • Diapers and powdered milk

  • Batteries

  • Whistle(to ask for help)

  • Power bank

Hope this helps you and have a great time.