In the first-ever military prosecution of an Air Force general, an Air Force major general in Ohio was found guilty of one of three charges of abusive sexual contact by a military judge. Maj. Gen. William Cooley faced three charges during his week-long court-martial at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, one alleging a forcibly kiss and the other two charging forcible contact in 2018. Cooley was found guilty of the forceful kissing charge on Saturday, but acquitted on the other two charges.

        The result is the first court-martial trial and conviction of a general officer in the Air Force's 75-year history, according to officials. Cooley, the former chief of the Air Force Research Laboratory, was accused of abusing a lady who gave him a ride after a backyard gathering in New Mexico nearly four years ago. The lady, according to officials, is a civilian who is not employed by the Department of Defense.

        Cooley was scheduled to be sentenced on Monday morning, and he might face up to seven years in prison, as well as the loss of his position, salary, and benefits. Cooley had the choice of having his case considered by a military judge or by a jury of his peers, and he selected the latter.

        The woman's attorney, Ryan Guilds, said in a statement that "today marks the first time an Air Force general officer has been held accountable for his vile crimes," according to the Dayton Daily News. "... Hopefully, the next survivor will not face the same difficulties."

        After an Air Force inquiry, Cooley was sacked from his research laboratory post in January 2020 and has since worked in an administrative capacity. On Saturday, a message was left for his attorney, requesting comment.

        In a statement, Col. Eric Mejia, staff judge advocate for Air Force Materiel Command, stated, "This case clearly highlights the dedication of Air Force commanders to properly examine the facts and hold Airmen of any level responsible for their conduct when they fail to respect Air Force standards."