
1) 80~100 g thick yellow noodles

2) 1/2 cup bean sprouts

3) 8 medium peeled prawns

4) 1/2 onion, cut into wedges

5) 1 clove garlic, crushed

6) 1 tsp sugar

7) 2 cups water or pork/chicken stock

8) 1-2 tbsp light soy sauce

9) 1 tsp salt (or more to taste)

10) 1 egg

11) pepper

12) 2-3 tsp potato/corn starch + 1/2 cup water (use more starch if you like it thicker)

13) 1 tbsp of oil

Garnish and condiments:

1) Vinegar

2) Chopped coriander leaves

3) Sliced red chillies in light soy sauce

4) Sliced green onion


Heat up 1 tbsp oil with 1 tbsp sugar in a medium pot until the sugar caramelizes to brown color.

Add the crushed garlic, and prawn and stir until both sides of prawns turn to light orange.

Add light soy sauce, onion and 2 cups of water and bring to a boil.

Add salt and pepper to taste. (You can add chicken stock power if you like)

Stir in the starch solution and mix well until it comes to a simmer.

Stir in beaten egg mixture and mix through quickly. Turn off the heat.

Cook the noodles and bean sprouts separately in boiling water until cooked to your liking.

Add noodles and bean sprouts into your serving blows, and ladle the soup over the noodles. You can also serve the garnishes and condiments on top to your liking. And Serve HOT!

Knowledge and photo credit