The Chin Defense Force (Mindat) CDF - Mindat held its first annual ceremony on April 24 in their area of ​​control. 

    "We have already talked to my nephew. The sound of fire has brought a measure of success. Do not feel like you have to drive back to the front, ”said the head of the Training and Armament Department. 

    At the ceremony, he said, “We have an offer. The people are welcoming. If you choose the battlefield, your nephew will speak. When a Chin man is armed with a gun, he will know without fear that you will be scared. 

    Violence must end under the voice of Tu Mi. Fascists must fail. The fire will be sung by the nephew of Salai Laura Moe. From time to time, we must continue to fight with the fire that started with the torch while trying to strengthen the ammunition. 

\    Their nephew's voice has already been heard by the world, so they should respect the nephew. As armed forces, there is a lack of discipline; It is necessary to be obedient and order as a parent when dealing with the people because the revolution cannot succeed without the support of the people. 

    To solve the problems of the people as much as possible; He told them to always pay attention. We need to stand up for the protection of the Chin people and the Chin people, the ultimate goal of the armed forces, not to take up arms for the sake of power and to build a better life. 

     At the ceremony, he called on all members of the armed forces to work together to build a cohesive organization with mutual respect and obedience. 


The Chin National Defense Advisory Council (ICNCC) and other Chin defense forces and revolutionary groups sent messages to the CDF-Mindat one year anniversary.