SINGAPORE: Employers are urged to offer flexible work arrangements on a permanent basis, despite the fact that COVID-19 workplace limitations will be eased on April 26.

        The Ministry of Manpower (MOM), the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), and the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) issued a joint statement (SNEF). They underlined that flexible work arrangements bolstered workplace resilience during the COVID-19 epidemic, and that companies throughout the world are increasingly accepting such arrangements as part of the future of work.

        "Employers are strongly urged to continue giving FWAs (flexible work arrangements) to workers, and to promote FWAs as a permanent aspect of the workplace," the three partners said in a statement released on Friday (Apr 22). They said that "FWAs assist employees achieve greater work-life balance and foster a more engaged and productive workforce."

        "Employers who provide FWAs benefit from increased talent acquisition and retention. Furthermore, these firms will have access to a bigger pool of labor, including caretakers and elders, who would otherwise be unable to stay in or enter the workforce."

        Singapore announced a dramatic relaxation of COVID-19 regulations on Friday. These include enabling all workers to return to work starting April 26th, up from the existing restriction of 75% of those who may work from home.

Key recommendation

        Employers should continue to make efforts to provide flexibility for workers, including revamping roles when required, while taking into account business demands, according to the tripartite partners' proposals. According to the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices, employers should continue to manage, assess, appraise, and remunerate employees who use such arrangements "fairly and objectively."

        Employees, on the other hand, should make responsible use of flexible work arrangements to "ensure continuing job productivity," according to the tripartite partners. "FWAs are not an entitlement," they continued, "and the job requirements take primacy."

        "Trust between employers and workers should also be maintained by regular and open communication to explore what FWAs are practicable and sustainable, as well as the organization's results and deliverables that must be reached." Companies should enable its employees to telecommute, according to MOM, NTUC, and SNEF.

        "Employers may compel employees to report to the office for meetings and to enhance team cooperation," they advised, "while allowing telecommuting for activities that do not need onsite completion." They went on to say that ad hoc or partial telecommuting are options to examine.

        According to the tripartite partners, companies should also explore restructuring workspaces to incorporate more satellite offices or co-working facilities, allowing workers to work closer to home. They added that, in addition to telecommuting, additional alternatives such as flexi-time and flexi-load remain vital because not all employees can telecommute.

        "For example, frontline workers who are unable to telecommute may benefit from various flexible work arrangements (FWAs) such as part-time work and ad-hoc time off from work to better manage personal or family commitments while still contributing successfully at work." 


        According to MOM, NTUC, and SNEF, the public sector would take the lead in making flexible work arrangements permanent. "The tripartite norm on FWAs has been implemented by all public entities," they stated.

        "Eligible public employees with jobs that allow for hybrid work will be able to telecommute two days each week on average. The government will also try to build new supervisory abilities in order to successfully manage teams in a hybrid work environment "They also noted.

        The tripartite partners stated they will seek to help companies and employees in their efforts, noting that not all workplaces are ready to embrace flexible work arrangements to the same level.