If you're starting a small business, a major factor in its success lies in how well you market it. Marketing attracts prospects, prospects become buyers, and buyers provide profit. But marketing is more than just putting your business name out into the world. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, marketing must create a connection: 

Marketing is everything an organization does to build a relationship between the company and consumer.   

This definition is more relevant today than ever before, when consumers encounter ads at every turn, and businesses are expected to be engaged and responsive. 

One of the smartest things a small business owner can do is take the time to develop a marketing plan. A marketing plan clearly outlines how you will reach your ideal customers by effectively implementing your marketing strategy. 

There are countless ways to promote your small business, so it's important to identify and focus on the most effective tactics. Here is a list of 101 small business marketing ideas to get the wheels turning.